Additional quantities of our various other detail parts have been restocked.
I have received a few requests for the CN and CP mini kits, not nearly enough to justify a re run though. Please contact me of you would like one of these kits and I will add your request to the re run list. I need at least 30 kits to consider a re run. No monetary obligation is required.
M55, M55A, M55B Update.
Pilot Models are complete and just waiting on decals. Castings and all etchings are in stock. Kits will be released as soon as decals arrive. These will come with Standard freight or Time Saver Decals.
The M55C will be released as a full kit as it requires a body with 10′ IH and 7′ door which is not commercially available. It will have either Standard Freight or Sentinel decals.…
I’m proud to announce our newest Mini Kit. Chicago Rock Island & Pacific 1937 AAR Modified 40′ Boxcar Duryea under frames. The kit includes resin castings, etchings and decals.
I managed to put together a few more of the CN & CP NSC3 end Mini Kits. These are now out of production and I will only re run these kits if I get enough interest to justify new moulds.
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MK103.6 1932 ARA Box Car with Union Duplex Fixtures MP-MI
Our full line of mini kits has been restocked. This will likely be the last of the NSC3 End Mini Kits and Union Duplex Door Kits. I have added a new version of the NSC3 End Kits – MK102.3. This version has CP Multi Mark Decals. See the mini kit page for more details and to order.
Our newest detail part is Tack Boards with 5 Vertical Boards and Route Card holders. All of our detail parts are in stock.
Tack Boards with 5 Vertical Board Construction
I have been getting a bunch of inquiries about the B&O M55 kits. As of today the patterns are complete and test samples of the etchings are in hand. Pilot models will be built to test the fit of all kit components. I hope to release these at the New England RPM. Kits will include ends, roof, Duryea underframe, etchings and decals. These cars came with two different Duryea underframes and they will be offered as standalone underframe kits also. The B&O Mini Kits use an ARR 40′ long 10’IH 10 panel boxcar with 6′ doors as the base and build into the M55, M55A or M55B version of the car.
Work on our next Mini Kit is underway also. Patterns have been created for the unique ends on the Grand Trunk Western War Emergency Gondolas. These were built by Press Steel Car and have fixed ends. The end patterns have details on both sides and look like a true stamping. The kits will include ends, etchings, resin details and decals. The base for this kit is the Tichy war emergency gondola.
I would like to thank all of our customers and suppliers for their support during our first year.
Announcing or first detail part offerings, including our first venture into S Scale.
In HO Scale we have Tack Boards and Route Card Holders featuring 3 Board construction. These have been created using the board by board technique – gluing styrene together for the patterns. We will be adding other Tack Boards into our detail part line, as they are created for our mini kit patterns.
Next up is HO Scale Door Stops. These come as a sheet with four different versions that were installed with Yongstown or Superior Doors.
Finally in S Scale, Superior Auto Car Doors for the Pacific Rail Shops 40′ Auto Car. All can be accessed through the links below or on the Detail Parts Page.
Tichy’s excellent Boom car has been around for many years, but only builds as a car with a straight side sill. Many Rail Roads had similar boom cars, but with fish belly side sills, these are a drop in replacement. More info can be found by clicking on the product Link.
National Scale Car will be at the Chicagoland RPM on Oct 24-26th and we will release new Mini Kits at the meet.
Doors featuring Union Duplex fixtures and door tracks. These Mini Kits will have a pair of resin doors, etched door tracks, decals and trust plates(if applicable). We have developed all new patterns for the doors with the Union Duplex Hardware in the following variations.
Youngstown Doors for 1932 ARA Boxcars.
Youngstown Doors for 1937 ARR Boxcars in 10′ and 10’6″ Heights
Superior Doors for 1937 ARR Boxcars in 10′ Height.
These Mini Kits will be released for the following Rail Roads
Atlantic Coast Line, Missouri Illinois, Missouri Pacific, Texas and Pacific, Southern Pacific and Texas and New Orleans
These will be available in our web store shortly after the meet.
Pierre Oliver Built the SP pilot model, you can read more about building the car here.
SP B-50-20 Class 40′ Box car with Union Duplex fixtures and tracks applied to Superior Door Model and Photo by Pierre OliverUnion Duplex Door Track Etching
A restock of the CP and CN NSC3 end mini kits will also be available for the meet.
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We’ve been busy working on new HO Scale kits. Here is what’s in the works.
Doors featuring Union Duplex fixtures and door tracks. These Mini Kits will have a pair of resin doors, etched door tracks, decals (ACL, MI, MP, T&P, SP.) and trust plates if applicable. We have developed all new patterns for the doors with the union Duplex Hardware in the following versions.
Youngstown Doors for 1932 ARA Boxcars.
Youngstown Doors for 1937 ARR Boxcars in 10′ and 10’6″ Heights
Superior Doors for 1937 ARR Boxcars in 10′ Height.
Etched Door Tracks for doors with Union Duplex Fixtures10′ Height 7 panel Superior Doors with Union Duplex Fixtures
We have developed all new patterns for the more modern Duryea Underframe. This is the version used under many 1937 ARR cars etc. Here is a picture of the first test cast. We plan to include etched parts in addition to the resin bits.
Duryea Underframe
We have all new patterns for the ends used on the B&O M55 series of Boxcars. We’re also working on the roof featured on these boxcars.
M55A, M55F, M55C
Last but not least we have Fish Belly Side Sills for the Tichy Boom Car. Tichy’s excellent Boom car has been around for many years but only builds as a car with a straight side sill. Many roads had similar cars but with fish belly side sills, these are a drop in replacement. This will be our next release.
Fish belly Side Sills for Tichy Boom Car
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