D227 – Wabash Post War Box Cars


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SKU: D227 Category:


Between 1942 and 1948, the Wabash and its subsidiaries the Ann Arbor and the New Jersey, Indiana and Illinois added 2,400 box cars that were based upon the AAR design, but used continuous side sill sections between the body bolsters, creating a distinctive look. The parent added 875 cars in 1942 (nos. 86000-86874) built at the company’s Decatur shops. Fifty cars were built at the shops in 1944 for the NJI&I (nos. 4100-4149.) In 1947 and 1948, the shops turned out an additional 1,025 cars with the majority going to the Wabash (1,025 cars, nos. 88000-88199 and 88700-89299) plus fifty for the Ann Arbor (car nos. 68000-68049.) There were 500 cars (88200-88699) not like these cars that were built by ACF in 1947-1948. The cars built in 1942 and 1944 had 5/5 Dreadnaught ends while the postwar versions used 4/4 Improved Dreadnaught ends. The wartime cars used ASF cast sideframe spring plankless trucks and the 1947-1948 cars rod on ASF A-3 trucks. All cars used Miner power hand brakes, a favorite of the Wabash. The last group was the only one delivered with the “Follow the Flag” emblem, although the other Wabash cars received it at repaintings. The cars were painted the Wabash’s bright oxide colour on all surfaces.

Includes two of the artwork shown.